Nakon što je gotovo cijelu sezonu proveo na Kawasaki i bio njegov ambasador nakon što se umirovio, Ryan Villopoto je upravo objavio da je sklopio partnrstvo s Yamahom. Villopoto i Yamaha su to službeno objavili danas, na otvorenju 2018 Monster Energy Supercross sezone u Anaheim-u. Cilj partnerstva je promocija raznih aktivnosti, ali najviše uz Yamahin motocross program.
Bit će stvarno čudno vidjeti Villopoto-a na Yamahi, ali kao što je i on rekao, zanmiljivi dani su ispred njega i Yamahe.
Cypress, CA – Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. (YMUS), has announced that it has entered into a unique marketing partnership with four-time AMA Supercross Champion and three-time AMA Motocross Champion Ryan Villopoto. The announcement was made by Mike Doughty, General Manager of Motorcycle Operations for Yamaha’s Motorsports Group.
According to Doughty, “Yamaha is an iconic brand in the motorsports industry, and Ryan Villopoto is a supercross and motocross racing legend. Beginning today and continuing throughout 2018, YMUS and Ryan will collaborate on numerous motorsports activities, with the purpose of promoting all aspects of motorcycling and motorsports throughout the U.S.”
Ryan commented, “With my transition to life after racing, I’m still passionate about motorsports. Whether I’m racing, riding recreationally or teaching my kids to ride, I still have a lot I want to give back to the motorsports industry from many aspects. My family and I enjoy all sorts of motorsports activities, and Yamaha has the broadest and most diverse lineup around. Whether it’s off-road, on-road, two wheels or four, they have it covered. That’s why I’m so excited to enter into this collaboration with Yamaha.”
Stay tuned for more details to come about this unique, new marketing partnership.