Nakon prelaska s Yamahe na Husqvarnu, Maks Mausser će imati još jednu veliku promjenu za iduću godinu. Bogomir Gajser, otac i trener MXGP prvaka Tima Gajsera, će od iduće godine trenirati mladog Slovenskog vozača. Prva godina u 125ccm klasi svakako nije bila kakvom je planirao s obzirom na brojne ozljede.
Maks Mausser: “I’m very happy, because for next season I will ride for GT243 team with support from Bogo Gajser who will be my trainer. I will ride Husqvarna and I will compete in European and Slovenia championship. I want to learn a lot from Bogo Gajser and I think if I will work hard good results are possible. I want to thank all my sponsors especially to Zupin-motosport and Urban Čop- they are my biggest sponsors. Also, a big thank you to Robert Jonas who’s helped make this possible. Of course want to say big thanks to my dad and mechanic Niko. Without them I couldn’t ride motocross.”