Superbike legenda Troy Bayliss odlučio je prekinuti mirovinu u svojoj 48. godini. Trostruki World Superbike prvak i pobjednik MotoGP utrke umirovio se 2015. godine, ali je odlučio prekinuti mirovinu i nastupiti na svih sedam utrka Australskog SBK prvenstva s Ducati 1299 Panigale R Final Edition motorom za svoj DesmoSport tim, kojeg vodi zajedno s Ben Henry-em.
“Initially, I did want to see another young guy on the bike but after I rode it, I felt that I needed to contest the championship and try and win myself the elusive Australian Superbike title. I definitely feel like I have some unfinished business. I have a bit of work to do in terms of fitness but after testing the bike and running it at the Adelaide Motorsport Festival I feel I am definitely up to the task.”